A preliminary letter regarding your intent to submit a manuscript for consideration may be sent to the Editor, Dr. Jerry Moore, at He will inform you of the technical options for submission. Most published manuscripts are 6,000 to 8,000 words, exclusive of abstracts, tables, notes, and references cited.


All submissions are electronic, in Microsoft Word format.

Please submit separate files for the Manuscript text, Figure Captions, and each Table and Figure. Please name all files with the author's last name, as in 'Moore Figure 1,' 'Moore Table 1,' or in multiple-authored works, 'Moore et al Figure 1.'

Please place all files in a single folder with a title including the lead author's last name, and share the folder with the Editor using DropBox ( or WeTransfer (

The folder should contain files for:

  • Text of the paper, plus abstracts, bibliography, etc. Multiple text files are OK if each file is clearly named. Do not send text as a pdf file.
  • Figures, each in a separate file; we prefer jpg files, but pdf files are OK for initial submission.
  • Tables, each in a separate file; please use Microsoft Word tables, not Microsoft Excel.
  • Figure captions.

Dr. Jerry Moore, Editor